A few days ago, details about the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra’s display and camera were disclosed. A fresh rumour claims to provide a more full image of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra’s specs. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra will have a quad-camera configuration on the back, with a 200MP primary camera, a 12MP ultrawide camera, a 50MP telephoto camera (with 3x optical zoom).
Also the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra will have a 10MP camera with a periscope lens (with 10x optical zoom), according to tipster Yogesh Brar.
The primary camera will very certainly be the same ISOCELL HP2 sensor used in the Galaxy S23 Ultra. The ultrawide camera may also be equipped with the same sensor as the Galaxy S23 Ultra.
The 50MP telephoto camera is a significant improvement over the 10MP telephoto camera seen in the Galaxy S23 Ultra. According to yesterday’s report, it would have a 1/2.52-inch sensor with 0.7m pixels. A larger sensor with a higher resolution should provide significantly better image quality. Minor enhancements to the 10MP telephoto camera with 10x optical zoom are possible. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is expected to include the same 12MP selfie camera as the Galaxy S23.
The Exynos 2400 chip will apparently be used in some places and the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 CPU in others. According to the source, Samsung’s next flagship phone will have a 5,00mAh battery and 45W rapid charging, same like its predecessor. Other enhancements promised for the phone include a brighter screen and greater memory options.
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