Samsung India has made an official announcement about the release of the new Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G version in the country. The company has developed a specific website for the upcoming model. A photograph used as a teaser revealed the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 processor of the phone.
Samsung Galaxy S21 FE details and features
Early in 2022, the Samsung Galaxy S21 FE was released with the Snapdragon 888 chipset in a limited number of locations. The phone has an Exynos 2100 chip when sold in other countries, such as India. With the Adreno 660 GPU and 5nm processor, better gaming performance should be achievable. Other aspects of the smartphone remain the same.
According to Samsung, the base model of the upcoming Galaxy S21 FE would include 256GB of UFS 3.1 storage. An additional colour choice for the phone is rumoured to be navy blue. Similar to the Exynos model, you may anticipate 8GB of LPDDR4X RAM. It’s not anticipated that a 128GB ROM will be an alternative.
Though the South Korean manufacturer of smartphones has not yet provided a verified launch date, it has labelled the Samsung Galaxy S21 FE as “coming soon.” In the upcoming days, we ought to learn more about the offers and availability specifics for its launch. The Galaxy M34 will also arrive in India from Samsung on July 7.
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