Samsung India will launch the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE in India very soon. The poster has arrived where the FE of the Galaxy SE is claimed to come with a Snapdragon processor that will be 5G ready. So we are hoping as this phone is a generation on at this point, so it might also pack in a generation old 5G processor as well. This leads us to the thought of which processor can satisfy this need of a mid-range smartphone that will be re-launched with the 5G-ready processor.
The official image does not reveal anything about the processor of the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G but we do know that the previous version came out with Exynos 990 and was available in India. Now leaks and rumors are spreading again and most of them claim that the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G will come with a Snapdragon 865 processor that already supports 5G.
The 4G version of this device has a 6.5-inch Super AMOLED FHD+ display with a 120Hz refresh rate to provide a smooth scrolling experience. At the rear side, users will get a triple camera setup having a 12MP Ultra Wide lens with f/2.2 aperture, a 12MP Wide camera of f/1.8 aperture, and an 8MP Telephoto sensor with f/2.4 aperture. In the front, there is a 32MP camera for selfies.
Besides all these, the Galaxy S20 FE is powered by the Samsung’s Exynos 990 processor, coupled with up to 8GB of RAM and 128GB or 265GB of internal storage. Along with all of these specs, the Galaxy S20 FE is packed with a 4,500mAh battery, wireless charging and reverse charging facility, 25W fast charging support, IP68 rating, memory expandability of up to 1TB, and so on.
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Samsung Galaxy S20 FE: