As per some earlier reports, Samsung is in the works to launch the Galaxy F12 earlier this month. But now another device has come into this list, named the Samsung Galaxy M12. The model numbers of those two phones are SM-M127F (for F12) and SM-F127G (For M12). Both of them will be manufactured in Indian Samsung facilities. Now, we have got some leaked images of the rear panel of an upcoming Samsung device So it is expected that the images of the rear panel could be either of Galaxy F12 or M12. So, let’s breakdown those images.
We can find that there will be a quad rear camera setup with the support of an LED flash. The rear camera module is square-shaped. The up-down volume rockers and the power button are on the right side of the phone. At the bottom, we can spot a USB Type-C port, speaker grill, and 3.5mm headphone jack as well. So the SIM tray has to be on the left side of the phone.
As per the battery capacity of M12, it will come with a massive 7,000 mAH battery backup which is similar to the recently launched Galaxy M51. So keeping the similarity, we are expecting that this phone will feature a bigger 6.7-inch display as well. If we check the similarity between the two model numbers: the Galaxy F12 could be the rebranded version of the Galaxy M12. Also, we can find something ‘M05’ on it. So, it can be the Galaxy M05 as well.