After the Samsung Galaxy Fit 3 was launched globally it has now made its way, to India as the model after the Galaxy Fit 2 with a price tag of under ₹5,000. It features a 1.6-inch screen with various health and fitness modes, a battery that can last up to 13 days, and ratings of 5ATM and IP68 among other features. Let’s explore the cost, features, and availability of the Galaxy Fit 3 in India.
All About the Samsung Galaxy Fit 3
The brand new Samsung Galaxy Fit 3 is being sold to customers at ₹4,999. It is available for purchase on the website of the company as well as through popular online and offline platforms. In India, you can get the Galaxy Fit 3 in Pink Gold, Gray, or Silver options like in international markets.
With its larger 1.6-inch display making it easier to see compared to its predecessor users can customize their tracker by choosing from than 100 preset watch faces or using their images. The device is said to have a battery life of up to 13 days on one charge. Additionally, it offers functions such, as tracking sleep patterns and heart rate monitoring along with providing sleep recommendations based on data.
With support, for more than 100 workout activities individuals can monitor their workout past to stay inspired. Tailored for use the Galaxy Fit 3 is built to withstand water and dust with its 5ATM and IP68 ratings. Extra safety elements such, as Fall Detection and Emergency SOS have been added for protection.
Moreover, it has the capability to control various smartphone functions such as the camera, timers, and media playback. The recently launched Samsung Galaxy Fit 3 presents an aluminum construction and an enlarged display, providing users with a stylish and robust design. A built-in side button serves as both the power control and a shortcut to access various features of the Galaxy Fit 3. Additionally, users can easily interchange bands with a simple click, enabling customization to align with their individual styles and daily routines.