The Galaxy Unpacked event hosted by Samsung in Paris introduced the Galaxy Buds 3 and Galaxy Buds 3 Pro. They have a design similar to Apple’s AirPods, with stems and Blade Lights which is significantly different from Samsung’s new look. They both also feature active noise cancellation (ANC) and IP57 dust and water resistance. The dynamic drivers in Galaxy Buds 3 measure 11mm and those on the inside of the Galaxy Buds 3 Pro measure at a size of about 10.5mm.
The New Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 and Buds 3 Pro
The Galaxy Buds 3 costs $179.99 (approx ₹15,000), while the Buds 3 Pro is priced at $249.99 (approx ₹21,000). Both are available in Silver and White. Pre-orders begin today, with general availability starting on July 24. In India, the Pro model is priced at ₹19,999, while the standard Galaxy Buds 3 are priced at ₹14,999.
The Galaxy Buds 3 series sees a new design on offer with an open-type model for the standard one and an in-ear configuration if you opt for the Pro version. The Galaxy Buds 3 has an 11mm one-way dynamic driver, the Galaxy Buds Pro features a two-way 10.5 mm Dynamic Speaker and a 6.1 mm Planar Driver. Both have three microphones and voice pickup units, which the ANC uses to automatically adjust noise levels or sound with respect to its surroundings.
The Galaxy Buds 3 Pro also comes with Ambient sound mode and Voice detection, which can differentiate between noise and human voices. During calls, the earbuds can automatically change to Ambient mode, lowering media volume without needing to take them out.
Connectivity options for the Galaxy Buds 3 series include Bluetooth 5.4 with support for AAC, SBC, SSC, HiFi, and SSC UHQ codecs. You can easily switch among devices, as they have Auto Switch functionality. The brands also added the requirement to have at least 1.5GB of memory on any device running Android 10 or higher, which affects these models. They support ultra high-quality audio up to 24bit/96kHz on select Samsung phones Galaxy S24 series as well as newer foldables with One UI 6.1.1 or later, too. Both offer an IP57 rating as well.
For instance, we know that the Galaxy Buds 3 will offer AI-based features such as an Interpreter and Voice Command of some sort. Simultaneous translation is performed in real-time by means of the Interpreter mode, while Voice Command allows to control of playing music (for example) without using earbuds or cellphones.
The Galaxy Buds 3 has a 48mAh battery in each earbud and a 515mAh battery in the charging case, providing up to five hours of music playback and up to 30 hours with the case (24 hours with ANC). The Galaxy Buds 3 Pro has a 53mAh battery in each earbud and the same 515mAh battery in the case, offering up to seven hours of playback (30 hours with the case, 26 hours with ANC). The Galaxy Buds 3 measures 18.1 x 20.4 x 31.9mm, while the Galaxy Buds 3 Pro measures 18.1 x 19.8 x 33.2mm. Both models’ charging cases measure 58.9 x 48.7 x 24.4mm and weigh 46.5 grams.
What are the key differences between the Galaxy Buds 3 and Buds 3 Pro?
The Galaxy Buds 3 has an 11mm driver and open design, while the Buds 3 Pro has a 10.5mm driver with a 6.1mm planar driver and in-ear design. The Pro also features Ambient sound mode and Voice Detect.
What is the battery life of the Galaxy Buds 3 and Buds 3 Pro?
The Galaxy Buds 3 offers up to 5 hours of playback (30 hours with the case, 24 hours with ANC). The Buds 3 Pro provides up to 7 hours of playback (30 hours with the case, 26 hours with ANC).