Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 Pro cost has allegedly been leaked. The earbuds are insinuated to come at 230 dollars (nearly around Rs. 18,300). The Galaxy Buds 2 Pro has been tipped to launch later this year. A report previously this month had said that the earbuds are not likely to launch at the Galaxy Unpacked event scheduled to take place on the 10th of August. The earbuds from the South Korean company have been insinuated to come in three colour options. The Galaxy Buds 2 Pro is said to be the inheritor of the Galaxy Buds 2.
Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 Pro Price Leaked
Before the Galaxy Unpacked event, the latest report revealed that the Galaxy Buds 2 Pro will cost 230 dollars (nearly around Rs. 18,300). As cited earlier, the Galaxy Buds 2 Pro has been insinuated to launch later this year. The South Korean tech giant is holding its Galaxy Unpacked event on August 10. Though, it is being indicated that the Galaxy Buds Pro 2 will not be a part of the event.
The rumoured depicts of the Galaxy Buds 2 Pro were leaked previously this month and the true wireless stereo (TWS) earphones are insinuated to come in three colour options — Bora Purple, Graphite, and White. The earphones have a unique design as compared to the Galaxy Buds 2 that was launched last year.
The Galaxy Buds 2 Pro is said to be the heir of the Galaxy Buds 2. The Galaxy Buds 2 cost Rs. 11,999 in India. They are available in Graphite, Lavender, Olive Green, and White colour options.
The Galaxy Buds 2 can provide up to 29 hours of battery life with the charging case. The earbuds provide up to 7.5 hours of continuous playback on a single charge. The earbuds also came with IPX7 certification for splash and water resistance.