Samsung has unveiled the Galaxy Book2 Go, a small Windows laptop powered by a new ARM chipset. The new model appears to be an improvement over the previous Galaxy Book Go, with the latter’s TN panel replaced by a superior IPS panel. For better or worse, its 16:9 aspect ratio remains, with 1,920 x 1,080 pixels reproduced across its 14-inch display.
Despite this, the Galaxy Book2 Go should have a higher contrast ratio than its predecessor, as well as more stable viewing angles. Furthermore, the Galaxy Book2 Go is powered by the Snapdragon 7c Plus Gen 3, which Qualcomm claims provides up to 60% CPU and 70% GPU improvements over the Snapdragon 7c Gen 2 used in the Galaxy Book Go.
Samsung has not confirmed what memory configurations will be available, but 5G-equipped SKUs will be available eventually.
Samsung will limit the Galaxy Book2 Go to Wi-Fi connectivity at launch, with the laptop capable of Wi-Fi 6E. The Galaxy Book2 Go will first be available in France, where it will be available on January 20. Samsung has not yet revealed pricing or availability in other markets. The company has stated, however, that the device will weigh 1.44 kg, be 15.5 mm thick, and could last up to 21 hours of video playback under ideal conditions.
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