Previously Samsung launched its Galaxy Book S last year in August with Snapdragon 8cx chipset as a Windows Laptop. This time Samsung has relaunched the same product with a new surprise and now the company has used the power-efficient Lakefield SoC and Intel UHD graphics in the same fanless ultrabook design.
Specification of Samsung Galaxy Book S (2020):
The Samsung Galaxy Book S (2020) packs a 13.3″ FHD display with a touchscreen panel. The laptop uses Intel’s ‘Lakefield’ chip with hybrid technology and Intel UHD graphics. The laptop further includes 8GB of LPDDR4x RAM and up to 512GB eUFS storage that is expandable via microSD card (up to 512GB).
For video calling, there’s a 1MP camera, and the Samsung Galaxy Book S (2020) runs Windows 10 operating system. Additionally, the Galaxy Book S (2020) packs a 42Wh battery that is said to deliver up to 17 hours of video playback time. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi 6, two USB Type-C ports, a multi-media card reader, and a 3.5mm audio jack.
The Galaxy Book S (2020) now includes a fingerprint sensor, ambient light sensor, and backlit keyboard. The device features AKG-tuned quad stereo speakers and also comes with Dolby Atmos support. The device is totally fanless and measures 305.2mm x 203.2mm x 6.2 mm that weighs 950 grams. This laptop will be available in Earthy Gold and Mercury Gray colour options.
Price and Availability:
The exact date of availability is still not disclosed by the company but the Galaxy Book S (2020) will be available in the UK in June. The Book S (2020) is priced at £999 (roughly Rs.84,000). The international availability is still not revealed by the company.