Samsung Galaxy A21s launched in India and Flipkart is teasing the launch page and the products are already listed. The Samsung Galaxy A21s is available in India in two different RAM variants whereas the internal storage capacity is the same for both the devices. These smartphones will be available via in India starting from just ₹16,499 for the 4GB + 64GB variant.
Specification of Samsung Galaxy A21s:
- 16.51 cm (6.5 inch) HD+ Display
- 48MP + 8MP + 2MP + 2MP rear cameras
- 13MP Front Camera
- 4/6 GB RAM
- 64 GB ROM | Expandable upto 512 GB
- Exynos 850 Octa-Core Processor
- Android 10
- 5000 mAh Lithium-ion Battery
For both the RAM variants, all the specifications are the same but the pricing is something different. The 4GB + 64GB variant is priced at ₹16,499 and the 6GB + 64GB variant is priced at ₹18,499. It will go on sale via Flipkart,, other major online retailers, and offline retailers beginning June 17. The smartphone will be available in three different colours – black, white, and blue.