Samsung unveiled the Exynos 2400 and Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 versions of its Galaxy S24 series this year. A recent report suggests that Samsung plans to stick with a dual chipset launch strategy for its Galaxy S25 lineup in 2025. The new series is expected to include both the Exynos 2500 and Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 variants.
More About Samsung Dual-Chipset in Galaxy S25 Series
According to DigiTimes Samsung will adopt an approach for the Galaxy S25 as it did for the Galaxy S24. However, the exact distribution ratio between the Exynos 2500 and Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 chips remains undisclosed at this point. It’s also unclear whether the flagship model, the Galaxy S25 Ultra will be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 the Exynos 2500, or possibly both.
In terms of performance in computing and graphics Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chipset has historically outperformed its Exynos counterpart. So why would Samsung choose to launch the Galaxy S25 with two chipsets potentially offering models with a system-on-chip (SoC)? The main reason seems to be related to cost considerations associated with Snapdragon chipsets.
The estimated cost of each Snapdragon 8 Gen3 is $200. There are indications from a Qualcomm executive that suggest that the Snapdragon Gen4 could be their most expensive SoC up, to this point. The pricing strategy presents a difficulty, for Samsung, in upholding its profit margins through the use of a chip. By introducing both the Exynos 2400 and later the Exynos 2500, Samsung aims to ensure a healthy profit margin while still delivering hardware enhancements.
Early rumors about the Exynos 2500 suggest that it will feature an RDNA4 GPU, support for LPDDR5T RAM, and a 10-core CPU cluster like the Exynos 2400. However, unlike the Exynos 2400, it will include a Cortex-X5 core. Expect more rumors and updates, especially regarding the Galaxy S24 series, in the future. Stay tuned for further developments.