Samsung Electronics on Monday announced that it has hit a 5G milestone in a recent field trial conducted in Australia, achieving industry-leading speeds of 1.75 Gbps at a distance of 10 km. The trial was conducted by the NBN Co Limited, a publicly owned corporation of the Australian government, tasked to design, build and operate Australia’s National Broadband Network as the nation’s wholesale broadband provider.
Samsung reaches record-breaking 1.75Gbps download speed at 10km distance
Samsung also achieved record-setting average downlink speeds of 1.75Gbps and uplink speeds of 61.5Mbps. The trial by the company and nbn utilized eight component carriers (8CC), which is an aggregation of 800MHz of mmWave spectrum. At its peak, the company also reached a top downlink speed of 2.7Gbps over a 10km distance from the radio.
“The results of these trials with Samsung are a significant milestone and demonstrate how we are pushing the boundaries of innovation in support of the digital capabilities in Australia,” Ray Owen, Chief Technology Officer at NBN Co, said in a statement.
During the tests, the company showed that the 5G mmWave spectrum (extremely high-frequency radio waves used for 5G wireless communications) can be utilised to expand Fixed Wireless Access coverage in addition to being used to establish high-capacity 5G networks in crowded urban locations (FWA).
“This new 5G record proves the massive potential of mmWave technology, and its ability to deliver enhanced connectivity and capacity for addressing the last mile challenges in rural areas,” said Junehee Lee, Executive Vice-President and Head of R&D, Networks Business at Samsung Electronics.
Samsung’s Compact Macro is the industry’s first integrated radio for mmWave spectrum, bringing together a baseband, radio and antenna into a single form factor. This compact and lightweight solution can support all frequencies within the mmWave spectrum, simplifying deployment, and is currently deployed in commercial 5G networks across the globe, including Japan, Korea and the U.S. The company is currently providing network solutions to mobile operators that deliver connectivity to hundreds of millions of users around the world.