The most popular reality TV show in India, Bigg Boss on Colors has started its new season and Salman Khan is back as the host. This time the theme of this year’s dance reality show, ‘Time Ki Taandav’, is uplifting everyone and there has been great hype about the list of probable participants. Prominent names like Vivian Dsena, Alice Kaushik, Tajinder Singh Bagga, and Shilpa Shirodkar are likely to infuse their inherent personality into the show.
More About Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 18 Earning:
There are a lot of reports going on all over about our favorite actor getting a hike for the season making them the highest paid in the history of Bigg Boss. It is a confirmed raise, but it’s also kind of modest for him to lose his draft year. This made him the sixth highest-paid Bollywood actor last year at ₹12 crores per week, but this figure has climbed to ₹15 crores per week for the ongoing season.
Like its predecessors, the ongoing season will also run for at least 15 weeks, and with that Salman Khan is expected to take home a whopping ₹225 crore from Bigg Boss 18. The stunning amount will now add to his all-season earning and the total goes up to 3,233 crores.
So just to give you an idea, Salman Khan has made almost 3.9 times more money from Bigg Boss over 15 seasons than all three Tiger films have earned at the box office together! To be more precise, while Ek Tha Tiger scored ₹198 crore at the box office, Tiger Zinda Hai and Tiger 3 mopped up ₹339 crore and ₹286 crore each ending up with a total of ₹823 crore for the entire Tiger franchise.
As of Bigg Boss 17, Salman Khan had already accumulated ₹3,008 crore, and with the anticipated ₹225 crore from Bigg Boss 18, his overall earnings from the show will soar to a remarkable ₹3,233 crore, which is 292% greater than the combined box office totals of Ek Tha Tiger, Tiger Zinda Hai, and Tiger 3.
Who are the contestants on Bigg Boss 18?
Notable contestants this season include Vivian Dsena, Alice Kaushik, Tajinder Singh Bagga, and Shilpa Shirodkar.
What is Salman Khan’s weekly fee for hosting this season?
Salman Khan’s fee for Bigg Boss 18 is reportedly ₹15 crore per week.