In October, Asus officially confirmed that the forthcoming gaming phone series, ROG Phone 8, will be equipped with the advanced Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset. Subsequent developments have heightened anticipation, with one variant of the ROG Phone 8 recently surfacing on databases such as Geekbench and China’s 3C certification platform. The series’ imminent arrival gains further credibility as it has now received the Bluetooth SIG authority’s approval. Notably, the same certification platform has also given its nod to the Asus Zenfone 11 Ultra.
Asus ROG Phone 8, ROG Phone 8 Pro, and Zenfone 11 Ultra Certification
The ROG Phone 8 series, denoted by model numbers ASUS_AI2401_D, ASUS_AI2401_A, ASUS_AI2401_C, and ASUS_AI2401_E, has secured Bluetooth SIG certification. Similarly, the ROG Phone 8 Pro, identified with model numbers ASUS_AI2401_A, ASUS_AI2401_C, and ASUS_AI2401_F, has also received certification from Bluetooth SIG.
An earlier spotting of the AI2401_A variant on Geekbench revealed key specifications, including the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset, 16 GB of RAM, and the Android 14 operating system. Furthermore, this variant was associated with a 65W fast charger in China’s 3C certification. In contrast, the AI2401_D variant emerged on Geekbench with an impressive 24 GB of RAM. Speculation suggests that the ROG Phone 8 Ultimate variant might be marketed, possibly featuring the substantial 24 GB RAM configuration.
Contrary to earlier rumors in August, which hinted at the Zenfone 10 being the final release in the Zenfone series, Asus has quashed the speculation by officially confirming the continuation of the Zenfone line. The recent Bluetooth SIG certification now reveals the existence of the Zenfone 11 Ultra with the model number ASUS_AI2401_H. The sighting of the Ultra variant suggests the likelihood of additional models under the Zenfone 11 series, although specific details regarding their specifications remain unknown.
A significant detail gleaned from the Bluetooth SIG certification is that all the aforementioned devices will feature Bluetooth 5.4 connectivity. With these developments, it is anticipated that the ROG Phone 8 series may debut in various markets in the first quarter of 2024, generating excitement among gaming enthusiasts and tech aficionados alike.