Is the sequel of PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds really under development? In the gaming world, we all know what PUBG has brought and it still carries a solid user base. But, after the games like Apex Legends, Valorant, and Call of Duty: Warzone came into the competition, the shine of PUBG faded out a little bit. So, a full sequel might be a good idea to make PUBG alive once again.
As per the reports of MTN, a Korean media outlet, an “authentic sequel” to PUBG is already under development. English translation of the story doesn’t exist but Google helped to discover some interesting points. From May 2019, Krafton (PUBG Corp.’s new name) started to staffing up their head Seoul offices for the PUBG 2. Meanwhile, the developer team of PUBG PC Lite has started work for the new PUBG Mobile 2.
PlayerIGN, the PUBG data miner twitted a screengrab of Krafton, which suggests that the sequel of PUBG is in the works.
Brendan Greene, the lead director and designer of PUBG doesn’t want to be involved in PUBG 2 by saying publicly in the past that he has no desire to make a PUBG sequel. Greene is working now at the newly established PUBG Amsterdam studio on a new IP.
So, for now, take all this information with a pinch of salt. We can expect some confirmation in the near future. There are some hints from MTN for a reveal of new games in early 2021.