Xiaomi has introduced its latest smartwatch, the Redmi Watch 5 Lite, in India. This innovative wearable boasts advanced fitness features, a vibrant AMOLED display, and a built-in GPS, making it an appealing choice for both fitness enthusiasts and professionals on the move. The Redmi Watch 5 Lite aims to keep you more active and connected without pause with an incredible battery life of up to 18 days.
The Upcoming Redmi Watch 5 Lite
The Redmi Watch 5 Lite is priced at ₹3,499 and will go on sale from September for Black and Grey color options. The wearable is available to buy from the Xiaomi official website mi.com, Amazon, and Xiaomi authorized retail outlets. Festive offers and deals will be announced closer to the launch date on Amazon, so potential buyers should stay tuned for updates.
It has a 1.96-inch AMOLED display with a peak brightness of 600 nits, which means you should still be able to read it in bright sunlight which enables you to get quick notifications, fitness tracking numbers, or a breeze in-app navigation. And its built-in GPS five-system provides the same pinpoint trackers for outside routes such as running, cycling, and hiking.
The Redmi Watch 5 Lite comes with over 200 professional sports modes and packs 10 built-in running courses, making it the perfect companion for users of all fitness levels. The device is also 5 ATM water-resistant, which means it can survive a water depth of up to 50 meters for up to 10 minutes, making it good for swimming or other types of water sports.
It features Bluetooth phone calls, allowing users to answer messages and call correspondence innately on the wrist eliminating the requirement of pulling out a phone. Featuring an impressive 18-day battery life, users can easily stay connected and track their lives without interrupting everything to charge up.
It comes with Xiaomi HyperOS controls, personalized notifications, and floating alerts to manage daily tasks in a hassle-free manner. Buy from Amazon India: https://amzn.to/4eH8uWF
What is the price of the Redmi Watch 5 Lite?
The Redmi Watch 5 Lite is priced at ₹3,499.
When will the Redmi Watch 5 Lite be available for purchase?
The smartwatch will be available starting September 2024