Xiaomi has launched the latest Redmi Note 11 Pro Series in India at the launch event held on the 9th of March, 2022. During this launch event, Xiaomi also released a new smartwatch, the Redmi Watch 2 Lite.
The latest wearable from Xiaomi is also one of its lightest ones ever. It weighs just 35g and has a 1.55″ HD Edge Display with a 2.5D curved glass with a peak brightness of 450 nits.
The built-in multi-system of the standalone GPS of the Redmi Watch 2 Lite which offers accurate positioning and improved position data for efficient tracking while running or walking is one of the best features of the watch.
Apart from this, there are features such as 5ATM water resistance, music control, camera control, weather alerts, and more. In addition to this, there are other standard features such as SpO2 blood oxygen tracking, 24-hour heart rate mapping, sleep monitoring, female health-tracking, stress monitoring, and breathing exercises as well.
The Redmi Watch 2 Lite offers up to 10 days of battery life with a full charge.
The Redmi Watch 2 Lite comes in ivory, black, and blue colors. Users can pair it with Mi Fitness App or Xiaomi Wear partner applications. There are over 120 watch faces available. If you wish to purchase the Watch 2 Lite, the first sale begins on the 15th of March 2022. The wearable has been priced at 4,999 INR and will be available on Mi Home Store, Amazon India, Reliance Digital, and other retail partners.
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