MediaTek recently launched the Dimensity 8400 chipset, marking the first of its kind in the segment. This chip will power the upcoming Redmi Turbo 4 and Realme Neo 7 SE, both expected to launch in January 2025 in China. The similar chipset will also power the Poco X7 Pro, which is expected to be a global model and a rebranded version of the Turbo 4. A Geekbench listing reveals the Turbo 4 as well, giving us the first look at performance.
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Redmi Turbo 4 with MediaTek Dimensity 8400 Leaked: Specs and Performance Details Revealed
Recently, a Xiaomi handset with model number 24129RT7CC was certified by China’s 3C certification platform. The device in question, which will most likely be the Redmi Turbo 4, has now surfaced on Geekbench, unveiling performance details. The smartphone also received a score of 1642 in the single-core test and 6056 in the multi-core test with Dimensity 8400. The multi-core score is impressive, but single-core is quite subpar compared to some of its competitors.
These numbers are better than what we saw from the Redmi K70e, the first phone with the Dimesity 8300. The Dimensity 8400 will be going up against Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3, which scores approximately 18XX in single-core tests and 48XX in multi-core scenarios. While multi-core performance puts the Dimensity 8400 between Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 and 8 Gen 3. As per the Geekbench listing, the Redmi Turbo 4 will feature 16GB RAM and will run Android 15 with HyperOS 2.0 on top.
In terms of specifications, the Redmi Turbo 4 will come equipped with a 6.67-inch OLED display featuring a 1.5K resolution and 120 Hz refresh rate. The device is likely to have up to 16GB RAM, 512GB of storage, and a 6,000mAh or 6,550mAh battery with 90W charging. The camera setup will include a 20MP front camera and a 50MP + 8MP dual rear camera with OIS. Additional features may include an in-display fingerprint sensor, IR blaster, and dual speakers.
What chipset will power the Redmi Turbo 4?
The Redmi Turbo 4 will feature the MediaTek Dimensity 8400.
When will the Redmi Turbo 4 launch?
The Redmi Turbo 4 is expected to launch in January 2025.