The Chinese OEM, Xiaomi, recently launched their flagship device Mi 11. But according to some reports, they might be unveiling another smartphone very soon. Xiaomi launched Redmi 9 Power last month and now they might be adding another member to that series. Redmi 9T is reported to be that new device that will take a spot in that series. It is tipped to be launched on 8th January 2020, that is, just a week away.
Some of the reports are suggesting that it is not actually a new smartphone but a rebranded version of Redmi 9 Power. For the people who are unaware, Redmi 9 Power is itself a rebadged version of Redmi Note 9 4G. The only added feature is the 2MP macro camera.
An unboxing video of Redmi 9T showed up on Youtube. The link to the video is here, but the video has now been removed. Even though the video has been removed, you can view some of the snapshots of the video in the tweet attached below. In these photos, we can see that Redmi 9T is looking way too similar to Redmi 9 Power, thus their specification can be very similar too.
If we believe what these reports are suggesting then we can expect Redmi 9T to come up with a 6.53″ FullHD+ LCD display. It should be run by a Snapdragon 662 SoC. Coming to the optics, the smartphone might feature five cameras. They will be an 8MP selfie shooter, a 48MP primary camera, an 8MP ultrawide, 2MP depth, and 2MP macro units. Even though the two mobile look very similar, there are chances that their specifications are different. Thus, we should actually wait for one more week before coming to any type of conclusion.