Realme India has revealed new wireless headphones that will be launched in the country more precisely Realme Techlife Studio H1. The Realme P1 Speed 5G smartphone has been in the works for a launch during the same time, with the upcoming TWS model being offered as a new addition to its headphone line-up given that the company focused only on selling wireless earbuds until now.
The Upcoming Realme Techlife Studio H1 Wireless Headphones
Realme Techlife Studio H1 headphones are to go on sale on October 15 at 12 PM. The event will also see the unveiling of the Realme P1 Speed 5G smartphone, which means that Realme is preparing a launch for these two new products.
Designed as on-ear headphones, the Realme Techlife Studio H1 will come in a vibrant orange color. They have a design that includes large earcups just like the latest Sony WH-1000XM5 headphones. The headphones will feature buttons for the likes of volume control and noise cancellation.
Realme has confirmed that the Techlife Studio H1 will be offered with a 40mm Mega Dynamic Bass Driver, which is expected to deliver deep and powerful bass. Moreover, those earbuds will also come with LDAC Audio Codec technology and be Hi-res Certified. The model is anticipated to come with 43dB Hybrid Noise Cancellation that can reduce ambient noise. But, the battery life and other specs are not yet revealed.
Realme is anticipated to price the Techlife Studio H1 headphones in the budget segment, similar to its True Wireless Stereo (TWS) lineup, which typically costs under ₹5,000. More information about the headphones will likely be shared as Realme begins to tease the product online.
On the same launch day, the Realme P1 Speed 5G smartphone will also be introduced. This new addition to the Realme P1 series, which debuted earlier this year, will be powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 7300 Energy chipset and feature a 120Hz OLED ‘Esports Display,’ along with a 5,000mAh battery supporting 45W charging.
When will the Realme Techlife Studio H1 headphones be launched?
The Realme Techlife Studio H1 headphones will launch in India on October 15th at 12 PM.
What color will the Realme Techlife Studio H1 headphones be available in?
The headphones will be available in a bright orange color.