Realme GT 7 Pro is also expected to launch in India and globally by the end of the year. A whole lot of leaks and speculations about the phone went viral in action. Digital Chat Station, a popular tipster has shared some important specifications lately that have been the highlight of breaking news for tech enthusiasts. The high anticipation is because this device is the follow-up to the Realme GT 5 Pro.
The Leaked Realme GT 7 Pro
Digital Chat Station revealed on Weibo that the next-gen Realme GT 7 Pro could be powered by a Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 SoC. In contrast, the Realme GT 5 Pro comes with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC revealing the improvements in store for GT 7 Pro.
The Realme GT 7 Pro will also have a slightly curved edge since it is rumored to feature a display with 1.5K resolution and an Ultrasonic In-display fingerprint scanner. It is likely to come with a square-shaped camera module on the upper-left side of the back, giving it a cleaner and more contemporary design. According to Digital Chat Station, the phone might be equipped with a triple camera setup, including a 50MP multi-focal lens and a 3x periscope telephoto Sony IMX882 sensor, while potentially omitting the telephoto macro camera.
Battery capacity is another area where the GT 7 Pro is expected to excel. It is anticipated to house a 6,000mAh battery or at least not less than 5,800mAh, offering a substantial upgrade from the 5,400mAh battery in its predecessor. Additionally, the phone might support 300W wired fast charging, ensuring quick and efficient recharging.
Another exciting aspect of the Realme GT 7 Pro is its potential IP68 or IP69 rating. An IP69 rating, which is more rigorous than IP68, would mean the phone is dust-resistant and can withstand high-pressure, high-temperature water jets. This feature aligns with a recent report and marks a significant advancement in durability standards. Notably, the OPPO F27 Pro+ is the first phone to include an IP69 rating, setting a benchmark that the Realme GT 7 Pro might follow.
What processor is the Realme GT 7 Pro expected to have?
The Realme GT 7 Pro is expected to feature the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 chipset.
What is the expected battery capacity of the Realme GT 7 Pro?
The Realme GT 7 Pro is anticipated to have a battery capacity of around 6,000mAh.