Madhav Seth, CEO of Realme India, has already shared the news of the launch of Realme 6i. A few weeks ago a hint accidentally appeared in Flipkart claiming that the Realme 6i will launch on July 14, which seemed genuine but not the date has changed, and instead of 14th July the company has decided to launch in July 24. It seems that the date has already delayed by 10 days, whereas, a few days ago Realme has launched the Realme C11 in India, available at just Rs.7,499.
This image has few features of the smartphone such as – 90Hz ultra-smooth display and MediaTek Helio G90T processor. From the design of the smartphone, it is clear that the device will have a punch-hole cut display. There is no physical fingerprint sensor at the back of the smartphone, so it is possible that it will have an in-display or side-mounted fingerprint scanner.
The MediaTek Helio G90T is more advanced than the Helio G90 and the AnTuTu score of the processor sprints as high as 291,000+.
To recall the Realme 5i version had 5000mAh battery but did not support any fast charging but this time it is anticipated that the brand will pair fast charging with 5000mAh battery backup for the Realme 6i. Realme 6i may have two different colour options – black and white.
From the listing, it is clear that the smartphone will be one of the best smartphones under Rs.15,000. So the price of Realme 6i will start from Rs.14,999.