Realme 13 Pro series is all set to launch in India, with two models – the Realme 13 Pro and Realme 13 Pro+. That still appears to be top of mind for the company, however, which today took the wraps off its first professional-grade ultra-clear camera with proprietary advanced AI. In collaboration with Sony, Realme introduces the Sony LYT-701 camera, which will debut on the Realme 13 Pro series 5G. This series will include a 50MP main Sony LYT-701 camera with OIS and 50MP Sony LYT-600 periscope telephoto camera offering 3x optical zoom.
The Upcoming Realme 13 Pro Series
The Sony sensor is enhanced by Realme’s AI Photography Architecture, HyperImage+, which boasts three-layer design comprising flagship optics, on-device AI imaging algorithms, and cloud-based AI image editing. A pair of 50MP cameras should give some nice detail even in low-light conditions. In addition, the Realme 13 Pro+ has passed certification as a high-resolution camera by TUV Rheinland.
The series also comes with the Realme AI HyperRAW algorithm that improves picture clarity, dynamic range for hyper-realistic images. Other camera features include AI Pure Bokeh for clearer separation of the foreground subject, mid-ground objects and background elements, which also works with moving subjects; AI Natural Skin Tone that promises better on-device representation of skin tones to enhance natural beauty in portrait photos; and finally, an agent called AI Ultra Resolution Decoding Engine aimed at boost quality low-res images. The Realme 13 Pro series, on the other hand, has no official launch date yet but could be unveiled later this month.
The Realme 13 Pro+ has appeared on the TENAA certification site, revealing the model number RMX3920 and images showing a circular camera module and a leather back panel. The listing indicates that the phone will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 chipset, an upgrade over the Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 SoC.
The Realme 13 Pro+ will feature a 50MP primary camera, a 50MP secondary sensor, and an 8MP shooter. In comparison, the Realme 12 Pro+ had a 50MP + 8MP + 64MP triple camera setup. The Realme 13 Pro+ is also expected to have a 32MP front camera for selfies, similar to its predecessor. It might come with a 5,050mAh battery, a slight improvement over the 5,000mAh battery in the Realme 12 Pro+. The Realme 13 Pro+ will likely be available in various RAM/storage configurations: 6GB, 8GB, 12GB, and 16GB of RAM, with 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB of internal storage.
When will the Realme 13 Pro series be launched?
The launch date for the Realme 13 Pro series has not been officially announced yet, but it is expected to debut later this month.
What camera features does the Realme 13 Pro+ offer?
The Realme 13 Pro+ includes a 50MP primary camera, a 50MP secondary sensor, and an 8MP shooter, with advanced features like AI Pure Bokeh, AI Natural Skin Tone, and the Realme AI HyperRAW algorithm for enhanced image clarity and dynamic range.