The trailer of the latest film of Rashmi Rocket has been released, the title of the film has been revealed the inspiring and narrative tale of Taapsee Pannu and also her incredible journey to be Rashmi Rocket. In this film, we will see Taapsee Pannu in the role of incredible Rashmi Vira.
This film has been directed by Akarsh Khorana, who is one of the highly anticipated movies to premiere on ZEE5 and has been promised a unique storytelling experience with such unparalleled content.
It has set in the salt marshes of Kutch, Rashmi Rocket is a story of a young girl from such a village, has been based with such a gift. She is definitely one of the fats runners who has dreamt of crossing her dreams, she has realize very soon about the race to the finish line has been peppered with such huge hurdles, and that has seemed to be a contest for the athlete that has been turning into her personal fight for respect, honour, and also for her identity.
In this, the trailer of this film has been lived up to the film title and also has been revealed an inspiring and narrative in the role of the protagonist and also reveals her journey to be Rashmi Rocket. In this film you can see such powerful dialogues, emotions, and also have a lot of drama filled with the prowess of Taapsee Pannu.
The most versatile actress has been appeared to be very strong and also very sensitive in both such equal portion that has been balanced that palpable energy of this movie. In her Instagram post, she has shared an image of her holding India’s flag worth wait.
This film has been produced by Ronnie Screwvala, Neha Aanand, and Pranjal Khandhdiya, the story of the film has been written by Nanda Periyasamy, Aniruddha Guha, and Kanika Dhillon, and it is also has been featured by Supriya Pathak, Abhishek Banerjee, Priyanshu Painyuli, and Supriya Pilgonkar.
Release Date
This film has been set to premiere on 15th October 2021 on ZEE5.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.