As Madhya Pradesh continued to dominate in their Ranji Trophy quarterfinal encounter on Thursday, left-arm spinner Kumar Kartikeya ripped through the top-order reducing Punjab to 120 for five in their second innings. On the other side, Mumbai defeated Uttarakhand by 725 runs on the fourth day of their Ranji Trophy quarterfinal, breaking the global record for the largest margin of victory in first-class cricket history.
Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh overcame Karnataka by five wickets to go to the semi-finals.
During the 2022 Ranji Trophy quarterfinal encounter versus Jharkhand on Wednesday, Bengal set a new record. Bengal scored a gigantic total of 773/7 in the first innings of the quarterfinal, and as soon as their number 9 hitter Akash Deep surpassed the fifty-run barrier, they were written into history.
The encounter will be noted for a record that has lasted the test of time since 1893 when the visiting Australian team scored fifty or more runs in the first-class game versus a combined university side (Oxford and Cambridge). Bengal skipper Abhimanyu Easwaran (65), along with fellow opener Abhishek Raman, began their march towards the milestone (61).
Defending champions of the Ranji Trophy starting on June 14, Mumbai will face Uttar Pradesh in the second semi-final at the Just Cricket Academy Ground in Bengaluru.
Meanwhile, the first semi-final will be held between Madhya Pradesh and the winners of the quarter-final between Bengal and Jharkhand. Bengal have gained the upper hand in the competition and appear to be on their way to the semi-finals.
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