Sony Liv has dropped the trailer of the Gujarati thriller film has been released. This film is mainly a high thriller and crime drama film. The story of the thriller is based on a psychopath human named Raghu that is played by Ethan.
In this film, it is a single-handed character that reveals the story. The story of the film has widely depended on the characters who have been kidnapped and also murdered fiercely. In this Gujarati film industry, it is the first crime film that has been preferred by all audiences.
The story of the film has progressed with the gradual torture of Raghu on Bhumi and Dhaval. He has just kidnapped them the one place where their shouting has not been heard by anyone. The kidnapping has been done by the auto driver.
After that police and their family members start to find them badly and have left no effort undone to find them out. This film also has such a romantic track of Bhumi and Dhaval.
The entire drama will continue by a police officer named Ashok who has helped to solve the mysterious puzzle and also the plot behind their kidnapping that has revealed the climax of the film. The filming of the film has been completed in many such locations of Rajkot and Gondal.
This film is starring Etan, Jagjeet Singh Vadher, Sharvary Joshi, Chetan Daiya, Kapil Sahetya. This film has been directed by Vishal Vada Vala. And the producers are J.K. Thummar, Hiren Thummer, Tejas Thummer. The story of the film has been written by Jay Parmar and Sanjay Marvaniya.
Release date
This film will premiere on Sony Liv on 24th September 2021.
Here is the trailer: