A new report has just come out saying that Qualcomm will launch another 5G chipset today, named Snapdragon 480. After the Snapdragon 888 flagship chipset launch, this will be the one to support the upcoming 5G connectivity. Like we all know that after several months or one year, 5G will be the thing that will rule the connectivity world.
So, it is important to have some 5G devices in the upcoming days, which will be really affordable for some of its users. That’s why the upcoming Snapdragon 480 5G chipset from Qualcomm will definitely be the one that can be used by the smartphone manufacturers to make affordable mid-range 5G devices in the upcoming days
It is said to be the chipset features Kyro 460 octa cores that can clock up to 2GHz and it is based on an 8nm process. The Snapdragon 480 5G chipset is likely to be an improved successor of the older SD 460 as it is about to arrive with 100% of improvement over the SD 460 and the Adreno 619 GPU.
The upcoming Snapdragon 480 chipset will support displays up to 120Hz of refresh rate as per the tipster. So, in the upcoming days, we might soon possibly experience some really affordable budget-friendly handsets with great displays supported by higher refresh rates. At last, it was also mentioned that the SD 480 processor would support Wi-Fi 6 connectivity. So, the upcoming affordable handsets which will be powered by the Snapdragon 480 chipset, will have the compatibility with 5G network as well as will support Wi-Fi 6 for faster sharing.