Qualcomm Technologies recently announced a brand new Battlegrounds Mobile India tournament, the Snapdragon ConQuest Mobile Open. This tournament is open to all esports gamers and the registration has started today. Only Indian BGMI players will get to take part in it.
32 professional teams, 112 amateurs, and $64,000 worth of cash prizes make this BGMI tournament the biggest ever:
The latest Battlegrounds Mobile India tournament will have 32 professional esports teams, these pros will all be joined by another 112 teams in the final rounds. These 112 teams can be amateurs or other esports gamers. The final destination or the goal is to win the ash prize of Rs. 50,00,000. This tournament will be open till early October and the live broadcast is scheduled to begin in July.
Winners of the Snapdragon ConQuest Mobile Open winners will get a chance to compete in the Snapdragon Pro Series finale. The finals are set to be launched in Hyderabad and it is hosted by the chipmaker along with ESL Gaming.
The contest is being held every year since November 2020 in India and it has attracted the nation’s budding esports talent. These tournaments held by Krafton such as BMOC and the Battlegrounds Mobile India Pro Series have helped gamers test their skills not only against other amateurs but also with professionals. If you wish to test your skills and show the world if you truly have the skills, register here!
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