Qualcomm has announced the official dates for the Snapdragon Summit 2022. The company confirmed that it is launching the Snapdragon 8 Gen2 will be debuting earlier than its predecessors. As per the chipmaker, the summit will be a three-day event and is scheduled to take place in Hawaii.
Xiaomi will debut the upcoming Snapdragon 8 Gen2 chip in its flagship 13 series:
Qualcomm revealed the Snapdragon W5 and W5+ chips during the Summit. It has been confirmed that it will be launching the next edition of the flagship chip, the SD 8 Gen2 in the same event.
Historically, the company has preferred to launch its latest high-end chips towards the end of the year, around December. The dates have now been moved up. The reason for this move has not been specified as of yet.
Xiaomi is expected to feature the next flagship chip first in its 13 Series flagship lineup. Motorola was the first smartphone to debut the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 chip last year on its flagship Edge 40 Pro. With the Snapdragon Summit set to happen after a while, you can stay tuned for more updates in the coming days.
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