Both Qualcomm and MediaTek are eager to take on Apple’s M-series processors in the marketplace. In order to compete with Apple’s silicon, Qualcomm, which has been in this industry longer and is more ambitious, unveiled its Oryon CPU in 2022. However, creating internal cores is trickier than it appears. The Snapdragon 8cx Gen 4 debut may be delayed by Qualcomm’s alleged difficulties in creating its own Oryon cores, despite the fact that the company leads the 5G baseband market.
Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8cx Gen 4 is expected to come in three flavours
A 12-core CPU with eight performance cores and four power-efficiency cores will be used in the most competent configuration. However, according to @Tech_Reve, Qualcomm is reportedly having difficulties designing in-house cores for this chip. However, the tweet does not go into detail about the issues.
This is hardly surprising given that other corporations have struggled to produce in-house cores as well. Samsung attempted to compete with Apple’s M-series CPUs with its own Mongoose cores, but eventually gave up and returned to ARM designs. Google has also postponed its own bespoke processor development by a year, and other businesses such as Xiaomi and OPPO have given up entirely.
An early engineering sample of the chip had performance concerns in Geekbench 5, and no follow-up findings have been released since then.
The Snapdragon 8cx Gen 4 was supposed to be released in 2023, however it may potentially be postponed until 2024. This is due to Qualcomm’s desire to wait until Apple delivers its M3 chip. If the company keeps to its initial release date, it will be well behind Apple’s M1 and M2 CPUs.
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