Qualcomm is making progress with its Snapdragon 8cx Gen 4, which could be the company’s Apple M2 competitor if it performs as expected. According to an earlier development, the company’s first sample operates at 3.00GHz, but the clock speed is lower than what was previously reported. Here are some additional details that may be of interest to you.
We don’t know if the Snapdragon 8cx Gen 4 will include the company’s custom Oryon cores, which Qualcomm announced a while ago in order to truly compete with Apple. According to reports, this chipset will have a 12-core CPU configuration, with eight performance cores and four power-efficiency cores. According to the update provided by @Za Raczke, the Snapdragon 8cx Gen 4 is sampled at a lower clock speed of 3.00GHz.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx Gen 4 with 4nm process node Rumored to run at 3.00 GHz
Previously, we received reports of the same tipster’s specifications leak, claiming that the eight performance cores will run at 3.40GHz, while the power efficiency cores will run at 2.50GHz. Qualcomm could have sampled a Snapdragon 8cx Gen 4 running at a lower frequency to see how the chipset would perform in a thin-and-light laptop chassis.
If the first Snapdragon 8cx Gen 4 sample outperforms Qualcomm’s expectations in thermal management, we may see updated versions with faster clock speeds. Furthermore, the tipster mentions that this SoC is manufactured on TSMC’s 4nm process but does not specify whether it is the N4 variant or a different one. This is most likely because Qualcomm will release the chipset a little later than usual, so it is critical that it is manufactured on a more advanced manufacturing process to give Apple some competition.
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