According to Notebookcheck, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 from Qualcomm will score 6,500 and 1,800 points respectively in the multi-core and single-core Geekbench tests. It will be developed utilising TSMC’s N4P process rather than the N3E process, as some rumours had suggested.
The Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 built by TSMC has so far outscored even Apple’s top chip in real-world gaming tests. Its immediate successor, the rumoured Gen 2 Plus, will only marginally outperform it in terms of clock speeds. On the other hand, the A17 Bionic could be completely destroyed by the 2024 flagship gadget, the Gen 3, at least in multi-core performance.
The Gen 3 is rumoured to be capable of multi-core and single-core Geekbench scores of up to 6,500 and 1,800 respectively. The score of the former places it between the Apple M1 and the A16 Bionic, while the latter is just a few points behind the A16 Bionic’s highest score of 1,847. In terms of multi-core and single-core performance, it provides improvements over the Gen 2 of about 24% and 20%, respectively.
Although the Gen 3’s specifications are unconfirmed, 1 Cortex-X3 core, 3 or 4 Cortex-A720, and 4 or 3 Cortex-A510 cores are anticipated to be there. It will supposedly be made utilising TSMC’s N4P technology. But according to one rumour, Samsung’s 3GAA node may be used to manufacture various devices.
The Rumored Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 Chip!
The Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 processor, which is scheduled for release in 2025, is expected to include a 6+2 configuration with Phoenix M and L Nuvia cores. Additionally, it will be the very first Qualcomm chip to be produced using the N3E process from TSMC. When the 12-core laptop chip for the Nuvia will be released in 2024, everyone would have a picture of how Nuvia perform in the real world.