Qualcomm may attempt to enter the desktop CPU market alongside Windows on Arm, which has long been rumored for a while now. Qualcomm after winning lots of “Snapdragon X Elite” SoCs in laptops, finally gained wider manufacturing adoption, helped by the spread of ARM architecture that was once limited to Apple’s MacBooks. Qualcomm is not giving up now, as it might be gearing up for the desktop market under “Project Glymur” which can be a desktop CPU lineup designed to take on Intel and AMD.
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Qualcomm’s Project Glymur Set to Challenge Intel and AMD in Desktop CPU Market
However, industry analyst Roland Quandt has suggested that the Qualcomm chips will be focused on a desktop SoC series, putting the kibosh on his previous speculation that only the next-gen laptop chips were linked to the project. Quandt also notes that Qualcomm has been testing the “SC8480XP” SKU with a liquid cooler, suggesting that the chipset maker is definitely eyeing the desktop CPU market.
It is said that these desktop CPUs will most likely be called the “Snapdragon X Elite 2,” but at this point, it’s still speculative. ARM-based chips are fine with desktop environments, “Windows on ARM” is becoming more common, and Qualcomm’s existence as the desktop CPU would become mass-marketed. Mobile CPUs from the company have been relatively successful, especially in expanding its AI engine portfolio and integrating features designed for AI processing at the edge.
The hard part where Qualcomm will bundle with both Intel and AMD to gain a toe-hold in the desktop market. It will require a heavy outlay on R&D and manufacturing, and Qualcomm potentially buying elements of Intel’s business might make sense, but that’s far from a foregone conclusion. The future of ARM on the desktop will be interesting, particularly with such an entrenched x86 architecture in place. Qualcomm’s success at getting into the desktop market will depend on whether it can address these challenges and drive ARM proliferation in this area.
When will Qualcomm launch desktop CPUs?
Qualcomm’s desktop CPUs are expected soon, possibly under the “Snapdragon X Elite 2” series.
How do Qualcomm’s desktop CPUs compare to Intel and AMD?
Qualcomm’s CPUs will compete with Intel and AMD, focusing on ARM with AI and power efficiency.