The worlds leading chipset manufacturer, Qualcomm, has finally revealed its earnings for the year 2020. The chipset makers’ end-of-fiscal revenue is US$23.9 billion, which is 3% more compared to that of 2019. According to sources, $8.35 billion of this revenue was made in the year’s final quarter, which is quite impressive. The company attained an impressive 73% year-on-year (YoY) growth.
This year Qualcomm has contributed a healthy proportion of the mobile chipsets. The company’s chipsets are indeed capable of using the new 5G technology in 2020. Its 5G chips include the Snapdragon 865 and 865+, which made all flagship phones equipped to use 5G technology. The chipset maker also launched its mid-range 765G, which also supports 5G connectivity.
According to sources, the 5G chips sold, QCT (the division of Qualcomm responsible for this hardware) earned such revenue. It posted fiscal 2020 gains of $16.5 billion and13% of the year-on-year growth rate. Even though it shipped 12% fewer chipsets YoY compared with 2019, it reported having sold 575 million in 2020, which is less than 650 million in the Fiscal Year 2019.
All these results indicate that the company could pay dividends of $2.54 per share in 2020. Sources claim that the company intends to diversify its focus in 2021 into other areas. The areas include RF front-end (RFFE) modules for modems, chipsets for the automotive industry, and internet-of-things (IoT) components.
Its latest snapdragon 875 will be launched soon, with several benchmark results of the chip already been released. Rumours are going strong that the processor will be powerful than Apple’s Bionic A14, as to whether it can outperform the bionic remains to be seen. But the processor does seem to be promising.
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