In the earnings call, Qualcomm CEO Christiano Amon shared an update about the Snapdragon X Elite chipset. He emphasized its customized design for Windows laptops. Mentioned that it is expected to be available by mid-2024.
This announcement indicates that Qualcomm is introducing a competitor for Apple and its M series custom silicon in the laptop market. Earlier benchmarks have shown promising performance metrics.
The Upcoming Snapdragon X Elite
Compared to its predecessor, the Snapdragon 8cx Gen 3 the Snapdragon X Elite offers a performance boost making it a strong rival to the Apple M3 series. Qualcomm plans to release it in time for the back-to-school season in 2024. The aim is to attract consumers who are looking for laptops with improved computing capabilities and longer battery life. This will provide an experience like Apple Silicon MacBooks, where there is no need for a power brick during lectures or classes.
Additionally, it seems that the Snapdragon X Elite has been optimized for the version of Windows, which is rumored to include AI features. While Qualcomms partners are expected to launch laptops running Windows 11 it is worth noting that Qualcomm’s strategic move to ensure compatibility with updates including Windows 12 highlights their commitment, to staying with advancements in technology.
Based on tests it has been found that the Snapdragon X Elite performs better, than the M3 with an improvement of up to 21 percent, in terms of multi-core performance. The Snapdragon X Elite also offers the advantage of operating at two power limits; 23W and 80W.
With these improvements and the efficient performance of the Snapdragon X Elite Qualcomm intends to bring some needed competition into a market sector that has long been dominated by Apple.
As Microsoft’s Windows remains the leading desktop operating system globally, Qualcomm sees an opportunity to capture a significant share of the market. However, Apple’s strong software integration with macOS adds an intriguing dynamic, and consumer response to the Snapdragon X Elite’s launch will be closely monitored.