Sony Liv has dropped the trailer of the Telugu upcoming love drama film. The trailer begins with the question about the definition of love. The story of this Telugu romantic film is based on the love story between two strangers.
It seems very awkward to hear that how the two completely unknown person falls in love with each other, but when the time come of love then anything will be happening in life. The love has started while they met with each other, and start to live together in the same room and the same house, this film is seriously a romantic film that will definitely give the essence of love.
The two will do each and everything like a hot couple would do in their life. The story seems to be more sexual than the feeling of love. This film has defined all the aspects of love, as love is honesty and also a dilemma, and also the type of person finding interest in something else in the name of love.
It will also show such extramarital affair of a man with a girl who is completely stranger to each other. After doing such a pampering romance they become married, and after marrying the real struggle actually starts while the man has met with another stranger girl and start an extramarital affair and his wife starts to feel pain as he becomes more interested in the other girl.
It is nothing the biggest twist arrive while this extramarital affair converts into love and the man start to think to marry her. Now his beloved wife becomes an obstacle to him and his new girlfriend for the second marriage.
Now, what will happen in this love triangle? the ending words of the trailer is seriously an incredible true as it explores that smoking and weed are addiction, but the most terrible addiction is people. It will be good if you do not depend on any person for anything most importantly happiness.
This Telugu love drama film is featuring Prithvi Medavaram, Kaushik Reddy, Kalapala Mounika, Dr. Sai Kamakshi Bhaskarla. Rama Raju is the producer and the director of the film.
Release Date
Sony Live has set to premiere this love drama Telugu film on 17th September 2021.
Here is the trailer: