Earlier this month, Boult Audio, one of India’s frontline audio product makers, listed its premium-looking TWS Boult AirBass Z1 on Amazon. Later on, the specs are also coming out. In this fourth week, the product actually appears on the market for sale.
Boult AirBass Z1 has three color options – Black, Blue, and White. Each one costs Rs.1,499 only. Needless to say, there are a few truly wireless earphones that offer that kind of premium look at this price tag. It is currently up for sale on Amazon India.
Link: https://amzn.to/2NCB7xl
Here are all the specs the Boult AirBass Z1 is offering at Rs.1,499 only. Have a look –
- With one multifunction button, you can play/pause, previous/next track and answer/hang-up calls.Voice assistant function lets you access Siri/Google Assistant
- These Truly Wireless earbuds can block out most of surrounding noises. You will be out of the street noise and get into the fantastic world of music with the sound quality
- Offers playback time of up to 8 hours for every charge. Carrying case can give 4 additional charges to the earbuds making total play-time of up to 24 Hours
- Earbuds and charging case inner Nano-coating makes it possible to waterproof for 1 meters deep for 30 minutes.Ideal for sweating it out at the gym. Even Wash the earbuds and base
- The earbuds can be used separately after successful pairing. Not only listening to both earbuds in stereo mode, but also it can be used as monopods to enjoy the music & take calls