Malayalam actress Pragya Nagra is again gaining attention on social media after the MMS scandal controversy. However, this time, it’s for a completely different reason. Malayalam actress Pragya Nagra, known for her work in Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam films is again making headlines and gaining attention on social media. This time, she has won hearts with a beautiful new Instagram reel, showcasing her perfect expressions and charming her fans online.
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Pragya Nagra recently shared a video on Instagram, wearing a stunning yellow saree with a detailed silver border. She paired it with a lovely hairstyle adorned with flowers. Her graceful expressions, set to the Malayalam song Ennavale in the background, made the reel extra special for her fans. With a massive fan following, she is one of the most loved actresses in the industry.
Pragya Nagra made her debut in 2022 with the Tamil film Varalaru Mukkiyam. Her latest Telugu film titled ‘Laggam,’ was released on November 22. Before her acting career, Nagra worked as a model and featured in television commercials. As one of the rising stars in the South Indian film industry, Pragya continues to captivate her audience with her charm and talent.
Pragya Nagra Viral Video
For those who are unaware of the past controversy, Pragya Nagra was in the news after private, unverified videos of her were allegedly leaked online. Known for her versatile roles in South Indian films, the actress continues to stay in the spotlight. It’s still unclear whether the leaked videos were really of her or not.
Meanwhile, the actress reacted to the issue with a Twitter post that read, “Still in denial, and still hoping that it’s just a bad dream that I will wake up from. Technology was meant to help us and not make our lives miserable.
Can just pity the evil minds who misuse it to create such AI content and the people who help spread it Trying to stay strong through all of this, and grateful to all the people who are there for me in these moments. I hope and pray that no other woman has to go through such an ordeal, and that all of you stay safe!”
Read More: Trisha Kar Madhu Viral Video: Bhojpuri Actress Shines Again After MMS Leak Controversy
1. What was the MMS leak controversy involving Pragya Nagra?
The MMS leak controversy involved a private video allegedly featuring Pragya Nagra in a compromising situation with her boyfriend. The video was leaked online and went viral, leading to mixed reactions from the public. While some fans supported her, others criticized her harshly. Trisha addressed the issue, expressing her disappointment and taking steps to move forward. She has since focused on her career and continues to win the admiration of her fans.