Poco M4 5G was launched in India on Friday. There has been no official information from POCO, but tipster Yogesh Brar has shared the specifications of the upcoming smartphone. The M4 5G is expected to come with a 90Hz LCD, Mediatek Dimensity 700 chipset, etc.
The M4 5G’s price in India is set at Rs 12,999 for the base 4GB/64GB variant. The M4 5G also comes in a 6GB/128GB model that will you back Rs 14,999. SBI cardholders can also avail a discount of Rs 2,000 on the purchase of the Poco M4 5G. Speaking of purchasing, the Poco M4 5G will go on sale through Flipkart on May 5.
Poco M4 5G Features
The new M4 5G features a 6.58-inch IPC LCD panel with a 90Hz refresh rate and an FHD+ resolution. The design includes a waterdrop notch that houses the selfie camera. The display also packs Gorilla Glass 3 protection on top against drops and scratches. The phone runs Android 12 out-of-the-box with the MIUI 13 custom OS on top. Like every POCO smartphone, the M4 Pro 5G will also come with the POCO launcher.
This upcoming smartphone might come with a dual-camera rear setup. The dual-camera setup would consist of a 50MP primary sensor paired with a 2MP depth sensor. It would come with a 5MP camera on the front.
The M4 5G is powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 700 SoC paired with up to 6GB of RAM. The phone also comes with 64GB or 128GB of storage, 2GB of which can be used as virtual RAM through the Turbo RAM feature. The smartphone is said to boast a 5,000mAh battery with support for 18W fast charging.
The M4 5G also comes with a side-mounted fingerprint reader and a microSD card slot for storage expansion. The phone has a “Hypnotic Swirl Design” and an IP52 rating for splash resistance. The M4 5G comes in Cool Blue, Power Black, and Yellow colour options.