On Delhi Metro’s Magenta Line, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated India’s first-ever driverless train operations via video conferencing. The route is connecting the Janakpuri West and Botanical Garden which is taking along the fully operational NCMC (National Common Mobility Card) services on the Airport Express Line.
The PM said, “First metro in Delhi was started with the efforts of Atal Ji. When our govt was formed in 2014, only 5 cities had metro services and today 18 cities have metro rail service. By 2025, we will take this service to more than 25 cities.”
All the details about India’s 1st driverless train
- The route is 37-km long for the first driverless train of Delhi Metro. The network is connected from Janakpuri West to Botanical Garden in Noida.
- According to the Prime Minister’s office, the train is fully automated which is going to remove the possibility of human error.
- The route will be extended to Pink Line in mid-2021.
- If it extends to the Pink Line, then the route will be 94 km long, which is 9% of the total Delhi Metro network.
- This train is going to carry 380 passengers in each coach, with a total of six coaches.
- It contains some advanced technology like an energy-efficient conditioning system and LED lighting, also, better regeneration of energy during braking. The train can go with a maximum speed of 95 kmph.
- As the driver cab is not required in this kind of train, that’s why it can accommodate 40 commuters more in six coaches.
- With this project, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation will enter into the elite league of 7 percent of the world’s Metro networks.
Initially the launch was set for May 2020, but for the pandemic and lockdown the programme was postponed that time.