The major Indian e-commerce players, Flipkart and Amazon, are preparing to launch their annual festive season sales events, known as Big Billion Days and Great Indian Festival, respectively. Ahead of the Big Billion Days sale, Flipkart has unveiled some of the discounts it will offer on top-selling smartphones. During the Big Billion Days sale, you’ll have the opportunity to purchase the Nothing Phone (1) and the Google Pixel 7 at reduced prices.
According to a teaser, the Nothing Phone (1) will be available starting at ₹23,999, while the Google Pixel 7 will have a starting price of ₹36,499. Flipkart has already begun accepting orders for the Nothing Phone (1) and Google Pixel 7 at these discounted prices before the official sale begins. Let’s delve deeper into the specifics.
The Google Pixel 7 and Nothing Phone (1) on Flipkart Big Billion Days
Google Pixel 7 Offer
Google is set to unveil the Google Pixel 8 series on October 4 in India and other global markets, with expectations that it will be more expensive than its predecessors. If you’ve been contemplating buying a Google Pixel smartphone, the Big Billion Days is offering last year’s Google Pixel 7 for the enticing price of ₹36,499, which includes all available offers. This deal actually makes the Google Pixel 7 cheaper than the Google Pixel 7a.
Currently, the Google Pixel 7 is listed at ₹41,999 on Flipkart. The company is providing an instant discount of ₹3,000 on ICICI Credit Card transactions, reducing the effective price of the Google Pixel 7 to ₹38,999. Additionally, buyers can take advantage of a ₹2,500 in the exchange value when trading in their old smartphones.
Nothing Phone (1) Offer
Flipkart is offering last year’s Nothing Phone (1) at a starting price of ₹23,999, which includes a bank offer. This represents the best deal fans have seen to date for the Nothing Phone (1). So, if you’ve been holding out for the opportunity to purchase the Nothing Phone (1), this might be the perfect time to make your purchase.
The base variant of the Nothing Phone (1), which features 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, is currently listed at ₹26,999. In addition to the discounted price, customers can enjoy a flat ₹3,000 discount with ICICI Bank Credit Card transactions, bringing the effective price down to ₹23,999.
The Nothing Phone (1) 8GB + 256GB variant is priced at ₹28,999 and ₹29,499 for the Black and White color options, respectively. ICICI Bank Credit Card holders can benefit from an additional ₹3,000 instant discount. This means you can acquire the Nothing Phone (1) with 256GB of storage for either ₹25,999 or ₹26,499, depending on your preferred variant.