November 16, 2021, India: Gaming and esports company, Penta Esports, has announced its upcoming invitational tournament for Garena Free Fire. Titled “Penta Invitational – Free Fire”, the tournament will feature 12 top Indian teams and a prize pool of ₹5,00,000.
The 4-day tournament will be held from 22nd November to 25th November 2021.
The 12 Invited teams for the tournament are Team Elite, PVS Esports, Total Gaming Esports, Desi Gamers Esports, Nigma Galaxy, Headhunters, Chemin Esports, LR7 Esports, TSM FTX, TSG army, Godlike and Aura Gaming Esports.
This is the second edition of the ‘Penta Invitational’ which featured Valorant for first edition.
Says Penta Esports co-founder and head of esports Kiran Noojibail “The aim with this tournament is to bring in the leading Indian Free Fire teams for an exhilarating showdown. The fans will be treated with some exciting action throughout the tournament as the top names of the game from the country fight it out for the title. We look forward to it!”
All the matches from the tournament will be broadcast live on Penta Esports’ YouTube channel and Facebook page.
The complete details of the tournament are available on Penta Esports’ platform, The platform is a one stop destination for all things Penta, including match schedules, match results, VODs of tournaments and leagues, content, news, announcements and much more.
Penta Esports is also currently conducting the second month of its ‘Penta Amateur League’, featuring Valorant as the monthly title. The inaugural month of October, 2021 featured World Cricket Championship 3 on mobile and Gran Turismo Sport on PS4 and PS5. The ‘Penta Amateur League’ is exclusively for amateurs and semi-professional esports athletes and teams. The games chosen for the tournament throughout the league will be platform agnostic and will include PC, console and mobile titles. Season 1 of the league will run for six months, October 2021 to March 2022, with a monthly prize pool of ₹5,00,000, adding up to a total prize pool of ₹30,00,000.
Founded by industry veterans Anurag Khurana, Kiran Noojibail and Akshay Paul, Penta Esports aims to disrupt the ecosystem in India with a holistic approach towards the sector, including leagues, tournaments, content and much more.