The advent of Intel’s 11th generation Tiger Lake family brought along with it many new updates. The inclusion of the support for the latest Thunderbolt 4 and the most anticipated PCIe 4.0 license. All this made the semiconductor the leading choice for notebook processing.
PCIe 4.0 technology is relatively new. However, we already know that the latest PCIe 5 is already ready. Though we have not seen the tech being implemented yet, it is rumored to be featured in the upcoming 11th generation high-end notebooks.
Now it seems that PCI SIG has already finalized the specifications of its new PCIe 6.0 module. We already know that the company is known to make its products short-lived. Soon after the launch of its PCIe 4.0, the company announced its PCIe 5.0.
When we have not even seen any proper implementation of the company’s 5th gen technology, it is already planning to launch its 6th generation module. But of course, the actual performances of the 6th generation PCIe will only arrive by 2023. The delay comes because PCIe 5.0 will be adopted by intel and AMD as early as next year.
Some specifications released by the company of PCIe 6.0 features include:
- 64 GT/s per pin for a maximum bandwidth of 256 GB/s on 16 lanes (nearly double that of the PCIe 5.0 standard and quadrupling the current PCIe 4.0 speeds)
- PAM4 (Pulse amplitude modulation on four levels) is now used for signaling. This tech is also used in high-end networking equipment with the InfiniBand communications standard or the GDDR6x VRAM modules integrated into Nvidia’s high-end GPUs
- Low-latency forward error correction (FEC) which is supposed to be lower than ten ns
- Increased reliability over the Gen 5 standard
- Optimized power efficiency
- Scalable to hundreds of lanes on a single platform
PCI SIG plans to double its production every two years to increase the transfer rate of its modules. However, consumers will not be able to benefit from this increase immediately. It is because the OEM’s are not in a hurry to adapt to the new standards.
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