Oppo has been working to give users the latest updates always, especially on its premium Find and Reno series. In India, the Reno 6 and 7 series have been quite a hit and Oppo has been keen to provide new updates for its customers.
So, they have pushed a new update called CPH2251_11_C.32 for Oppo Reno 6 and I got it on May 28th, having a size of 777MB for ColorOS 12.1.
The most important thing this update brings is the latest May 2022 Android security patch along with other system improvements. Oppo has worked a lot in improving the network reception of the device with updates and continues to also give better battery life with new updates while also fixing known issues as well.
Oppo Reno 6 5G new update changelog
Here’s the complete changelog:
• Integrates the May 2022 Android security patch to enhance system security.
• Improves system performance for some scenarios.
• Fixes an issue where you might be unable to switch between navigation methods.
• Fixes an issue where music might pause when the screen is off in Power saving mode.
• Fixes an issue where you would be unable to close an app when swiping up in recent tasks.
• Improves the stability of mobile network connections.
Buy the latest Oppo Reno 7 5G with offers: https://fas.st/D3OU_k
Before updating of colour os 12 my oppo reno 6 phone was good but after update my phone is working like 8000Rs phone very bad oppo.