Oppo Find X2 Pro was launched earlier this year and was available in two primary colors. The smartphone was the flagship series of the brand and one of the top-notch devices currently present in the market. Oppo launched another color option for the Pro version named it as Bamboo green. The color got its own charm and Oppo has also made a separate promo video for this smartphone.
Specifications of Oppo Find X2 Pro:
- Display- 6.70-inch QHD+
- Processor- Qualcomm Snapdragon 865
- Front Camera- 32MP
- Rear Camera- 48MP + 48MP + 13MP
- RAM- 12GB
- Storage- 512GB
- OS- Android 10
- Battery- 4260mAh
The pre-orders have been started in China for 100 Yuans and the price in China. The mobile will be available on JD.com, Tmall as well as Oppo’s official online store. The original price of this device is CNY 6999 and will be available from 1st June.