The Oppo Find N5, expected to be unveiled in February, is anticipated to be the first foldable phone featuring the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC, according to recent leaks. Oppo’s Chief Product Officer, Pete Lau, teased that the forthcoming device was the “thinnest foldable phone,” and it looked even slimmer in comparison with the newest iPhone models. Oppo executives also now have some new tips to entice buyers, and here is what we’ve learned: water resistance and fast wireless charging.
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Oppo Find N5 to Launch with 50W Wireless Charging, IPX9 Rating, and Slim Design Features
Oppo Find series product head Zhou Yibao shared the features in posts on the Chinese platform Weibo. One of the posts showcased the 50W AIRVOOC wireless charging support onboard the Oppo Find N5. This charging technology will reportedly be compatible with in-car wireless charging systems from electric vehicle giants like BYD and NIO, providing fast charging via the phone’s anti-static and anti-interference thin design. To make it possible without changing the phone’s design, Oppo has decreased the charging coil density.
But the impressive features don’t stop there, as the Oppo Find N5 is also rumored to come with an IPX9 rating for water resistance. In this video, posted by Zhou, the phone is dunked in a fountain before an underwater diver collects it. The diver is able to shoot some very helpful footage underwater with the phone’s very own camera, which really shows off its waterproof good life. It’s not clear if it can be opened so it’s called out, or folded in the water.
Some of the other features of the Oppo Find N5 are a slimmer form factor and thinner inner display borders older than the Oppo Find N3 and OnePlus Open models. The recent images of the device offered a peek at its foldable technology, showing off a thin, USB-C port-thin profile when unfolded. The Oppo Find N5 is proving to be a big step up for foldable smartphones.
What is the wireless charging speed of the Oppo Find N5?
The Oppo Find N5 supports 50W AIRVOOC wireless charging.
Is the Oppo Find N5 water-resistant?
Yes, it has an IPX9 rating for water resistance.