Oppo India tweeted the upcoming launch of the Oppo F17 Pro. In the month of January Oppo had launched the Oppo F15 in India and almost after seven month the company is back with its successor. A few days ago we reported that a new oppo smartphone will launch in India pretty soon, and as we expected the company is already talking about Oppo F17 Pro smartphone.
Recently Oppo has shared a YouTube video showing the overall design and colour options of the smartphone. The phone can be seen in the video in all six different colour options. Now let’s talk about the design of the smartphone first.
The phone can be seen in a very sleek design and as revealed by the company the phone is just 7.48mm thick. It has a dual-punch hole camera cut design at the front. As anticipated earlier the phone does have a quad-camera set up in a square layout. The camera specs of Oppo F17 Pro have not been revealed.
The power button is placed on the right side of the phone while the volume rockers and the sim tray is at the left side. The phone has no physical fingerprint scanner at the back so we can expect an in-display fingerprint scanner. The phone will have a Type-C charging port at the bottom and a headphone jack.
Oppo F17 Pro targets the youth of India and might be priced around Rs.25,000 ($335/€280) segment in 2020. As per our source, the phone will launch in early September. A few days ago, OPPO PEAM00 was spotted on the TENAA website and some key specs of the device have been revealed. The listing has been spotted by Mukul Sharma, he has also shared two images of the device.
Asus G14 cannot is number one because no thunderbolt 3 type C. Vote 2020 Hp omen and also it can run Raid 0 ssd nvme. Everyone must listen!!!