Oppo has launched the Oppo A15 in October, a lower budget smartphone in India at a starting price tag of Rs 8,990 (~$122). Recently, we’ve got a leaked image poster of the sibling of A15, that is the Oppo A15s. From that leak, we are almost confirmed regarding the design and specs of this device. On the other hand, the Oppo A15s was recently spotted at different certification platforms: Europe’s EEC, Singapore’s IMDA, and Malaysia’s SRIM. Apart from the earlier leaks, today some official renders of this phone have been leaked, showing the design of this phone with three different color variants. Also, we can see that the Oppo A15s will feature a waterdrop notch display.
One thing Oppo has confirmed through this image that Oppo A15s is going to be another sleek device from Oppo. The earlier leaked poster reads “Sleek and Smart”. So, it is definitely going to be a lightweight sleeker smartphone. The Oppo A15s will run on the Android 10 OS whereas the information about the chipset is still unknown. Though, it is expected that the Oppo A15s will be powered by the same MediaTek Helio P35 chipset of Oppo A15, paired with 3GB of RAM. The 4GB/64GB variant should be there as well.
The Oppo A15s will feature a 6.5-inch HD+ resolution supporting a waterdrop notch display. In terms of the camera section, this phone will offer a square-shaped triple rear AI camera setup that includes a 13MP primary sensor and a pair of 2MP lenses. For selfies, it is expected to feature a 5MP selfie snapper at the front. This phone has a rear-mounted physical fingerprint scanner.
In terms of battery, this phone is expected to be fueled up by a 4,230mAh battery. As of now, Oppo has not confirmed the price or the release date of this phone. But, we can expect that it will get launched before the end of 2020 at a price tag around 10K to 11K (probably Rs. 11,490).