A few weeks ago we came across some news that were pointing towards the works on the upcoming flagship of the smartphone brand OnePlus. The next flagship OnePlus 9 series is in the works and is making news for quite a long time and is expected to launch by 2021. Another interesting report surfaced this week revealing the codename of another OnePlus smartphone in the line. This one is surprisingly does not belong to the OnePlus 9 series.
Max Jambor, a tipster and smartphone buff, had shared a name ‘Denniz’ in his twitter profile and the post does not refer to anything else other than the name only. In subsequent communication with Phonearena, Max clarified that ‘Denniz’ is the name of a second-generation OnePlus smartphone.
The next thing we know that as a successor of the popular Nord the second-generation phone might feature an upgraded Snapdragon 700-series processor. Some improvements is expected in the camera section as well over the first generation. The phone may also feature a 120Hz display as an upgrade over the present 90Hz refresh rate present in OnePlus Nord.
OnePlus Nord 2 is the expected name of the upcoming second generation of Nord. The phone is expected to release on the first half of 2021. As the works are going on it is also expected that the company will soon reveal some official info about the upcoming device. It is also speculated that this phone will come in the market between the OnePlus 9 and OnePlus Nord SE.