OnePlus Nord 2 was announced in India last month and it came on sale this month. But as usual, the company kept the base variant which is the 6GB RAM + 128GB storage variant on hold with a promise to make it available soon. But until now we had no clue where the base variant was and we also forgot that even the variant existed or not, or it was a hoax or not.
Now the whole scene became clear when the company made the listing available for the base 6GB variant. The official website revealed that the first sale of the OnePlus Nord 2 6GB + 128GB variant will start on 30th August in India. The sale will start at 12 AM on its official website.
OnePlus Nord 2 5G features a 6.43″FHD+ AMOLED display that supports a 90Hz display. As we all know that OnePlus Nord 2 5G is now featured with MediaTek Dimensity 1200 AI processor which is paired with up to 12GB LPDDR4X RAM and 256GB UFS 3.1 internal storage.
Coming to the camera section, here we are getting a 50MP primary Sony IMX766 sensor which is paired with two secondary shooters of 8MP and 2MP. There is a 32MP selfie camera housed in the punch hole on the display.
OnePlus Nord 2 5G runs on OxygenOS 11.3 and the phone is powered by a 4500mAh battery that supports 65W fast charging. Other notable features like an in-display fingerprint scanner, Dual Stereo Speaker, WiFi 6, X-axis Motor are also present in this device.
Now coming to the pricing of the OnePlus Nord 2 5G.
- 6+128GB:₹27,999
- 8+128GB:₹29,999
- 12+256GB:₹34,999
Amazon Link: Click Here
OnePlus Official Website Link: Click Here